How does dreamdates scoring system work?
It is based on a simple and transparent scoring system, where you need to score minimum 50 points to get in.

Much like you need to score above a certain point to get into an ellite University or a select Club etc.
10 Points
For posting a quality Video during sign-up
20 Points
You are drop dead gorgeous good looking
15 Points
You are very good looking
10 Points
You are good looking
15 Points
You are Fit and Athlethic
10 Points
You are Fit
10 Points
You have a Bachelors Degree
15 Points
You have a Masters Degree
15 Points
You have traveled to more than 10 countries
10 Points
You have traveled to more than 5 countries
10 Points
You Speak 3 different langugages
5 Points
You Speak 2 different langugages
5 Points
You are a good Cook
5 Points
You volunteer now and then for good Causes
5 Points
You do what you can when you can to address Climate Change